Sunday 1 July 2012

25,675 Messages. OMG!

25,675 Messages and comments. Thanks guys, It's too hard to read all of them but I'm trying. I'm not wonderwoman or even flash XD Don't be mad guys if I may not be able to reply on your messages. I could hire my secretary to read all of those 24/7. But I won't cause I want to read it all by my self It may take time but I want to. I Love You Guys :*

A bunch of me!

I Revealed this for the 1st time. This is my dressing room whenever I have photo shoots and fashion projects. I think this room is worth a million dollars. But much of blood & perspiration. I'll not include the place the crowd might be there as well. Thanks for the spontaneous support guys, this one's because of you.

This is one section of my dressing room or what I call my wonderland. It is placed on the right side of the picture above but it's hidden there.

Tell me who's that girl who's walk-walkin' in the club!

Lucchese Classic 6" high heels. Worth $101.04

Primadonna's 4" High heels. Worth $89.99

Hype Extensive 5" High heels. Worth  $91.34

Primadonna's El Classica 5" High heels. Worth $76.01

B&Y Newly Arrived almost 8" High heels. That worth $264.09 It's a gift from my man, for our 2nd anniversary. Isn't he the sweetest? 

It feels good.

I Have collected it for about a year. It feels really good.